Saturday 2 November 2013

Sloe Gin

It's that time of year again when the sloes are out (almost gone actually), so naturally it's time to get the gin in and the sloe gin made.
For anyone who wants to make it the recipe is quite simple.

We use a 2 litre preserving jar,

500 to 750 grams of sloes (apparently these are better after the first frost, but since we haven't had any, just pop them in the freezer for the night........we don't know if this has any real effect on them, but we are not about to risk all that gin!)
350 grams of sugar (we use cane sugar)
1.4 L gin (2 bottles!)


  1. cool guys. Freezing would encourage sweetness.:-) ?

  2. No I don't think so. I have tried a sloe even after coming out of the gin, they are actually foul!!!
